


Millions of people worldwide are faced with the complex issues of their disabilities everyday. For my Human Computer Interaction class, my team was assigned to choose one individual with any type of disability and to design a system to ease their everyday pain points. Our user was a 19-year-old female named Haley, who suffered from type one diabetes since the age of 17, and major depressive disorder. Over the course of 6 weeks, my team designed and prototyped a new iOS application with artificial intelligence to help her manage her everyday diabetic needs, as well as keep track and in control of her mental health. My role in the team was to create state diagrams, experience maps, wireframes, UI designs and animations.



  • The current state of her diabetic management system is complex, outdated, and controlled via the Personal Diabetes Monitor

    • Lacks connectivity to the iPhone

    • Confusing connectivity to the Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) which does connect to the iPhone

  • The use of a physical monitor device and bulky insulin delivery pod draws constant the attention from peers and strangers.

  • The complexity and sudden onset of the disease.

    • Further engaged the feeling of helplessness and being 'strange'


  • To designed an app and a capsule that works alongside the user to help her manage her diabetes and depression by monitoring her moods and health on a daily basis through caring for her personal garden.


Gender: Female
Diagnosis: Juvenile Diabetic
Age of Diagnosis: 17
Hometown: St Louis
Treatments: Birth Control, Sertraline, Novalog Insulin via Insulin Pump and Glucose Monitor





To help our user better understand her mental health, the team created different tasks for her to complete. These tasks are to help bring the user down to earth and gain control of her mood.

By finishing the tasks, she gains water which is added to the water drop seen on the Garden screen. Water is also gained by imputing her mood data on the opening Sun screen. Whenever the drop fills to 100%, then the garden is water to keep it looking happy and healthy.



An important part of having a phone based diabetes monitor is to include notifications to keep the user updated with their blood sugar levels, alert them on an upcoming injection, and remind them to input their mood on as need be. 


With the redesigned insulin pump and monitoring via the Apple Watch, all the information that our user can access from within her iPhone. From viewing past glucose levels to the system's predictions, to monitoring the amount of basal that is remaining within her pod. Whenever the system predicts or sees a drop in glucose levels, then it will alert the user and inject her with the amount of basal needed to balance her glucose levels. 

Instead of having the user input the approximate carbohydrate intake for each thing she eats, Greener lets the user take an image of the nutrition facts and barcodes. The system can then read and calculate how much basal to inject into the user.



One of our user's daily pain points was the cumbersome insulin patch she wore. Its large size limited what clothes our user would feel comfortable wearing. We chose to tackle the task of changing how the pod looked visually. By changing the shape and tone of the material, the redesigned 'patch' will no longer create a large bump that could be seen through clothing. The color change was made in order to blend the material in with the skin tone of our user.





Team: Gwendolyn Leister, Nick Pellegrino, Emma Fowler, Jen Wang, & Jackie Sabillon